White Paper: Next-Generation, Miniature High-Voltage Power Modules (EMCO)
Next-Generation, Miniature High-Voltage Power Modules
The first generation of high-voltage power modules changed the way designers could use high voltage, and the next generation is pushing the
envelope further.
The Low-Voltage Revolution
The wide availability of miniature low-voltage power modules inspired a sea change in the
architecture of power distribution. Small, lightweight modules could be mounted right at the
devices they were energizing. No longer was it necessary to build a main power supply
outputting the different voltages and power levels required by the wide variety of
subsystems and circuits. This required long runs of power wire sized for the total needs of
the system, one set for each voltage. The modularized approach enabled using a single
isolated dc bus with a standard supply feeding each circuit.
Learn more about Emco High Voltage