It was recently estimated that today’s mobile data traffic is close to 20 times the size of the entire Internet in 2000. Driving most of this traffic is the proliferation of tablets and smartphones in our everyday lives. From storing documents and photos to the cloud to the downloading and watching of videos while on the go, the demand for bandwidth is unlike anything we’ve seen before.
And it’s not like this trend will subside any time soon. In fact, mobile data traffic is expected to increase tenfold by the end of this decade.
To address this matter, sound telecom infrastructure is key, and for many providers that means investing in newer, better infrastructure, because what was in place yesterday will certainly not be able to support the demands that are going to be placed on it come tomorrow.
Now, there are plenty of ways to improve a network, but at the heart of it all is the data center. That’s because it’s here where all of the equipment necessary for transmitting data is housed and stored.
Existing facilities are plentiful and located all across the world, but while the infrastructure is in place, the facilities need updating in order to meet current demand. Lack of capacity and slow speeds are no options for today’s provider, as there are plenty of other options for today’s tech-savvy consumer to switch over to.
Where in the past a data center was meant simply to provide the means necessary for devices to connect to the Internet, today’s data centers are more so defined by the software demands; that is, how much bandwidth does a tablet need in order to stream a 5-minute YouTube video, how much capacity does a smartphone require to upload 12 new photos to a user’s cloud, and so on.
And naturally, all of these services need to be executed in the blink of an eye, so the customer never questions the lag time of the application.
To keep pace with these modern-day demands, and to better prepare for future bandwidth burdens, the time is now to update yesterday’s 10-Gbit copper cables to systems capable of transferring data at clips of 100 Gbits/s and beyond.
An updated data center will serve today’s clients the online experience they expect. Not only will it be faster, but the advancements made in recent years to this technology offers greater storage capacity as well as the ability to manage multiple online assets seamlessly and without interruption. The actual physical components of a modern-day data center are smaller too, which means both a reduced footprint for the data center itself and lower costs associated with maintaining it.
In the end, updating your current data center means you’ll get one that is bigger, faster, and flatter, and also something that is future-proof to meet tomorrow’s even higher bandwidth demands.
So what’s the first step? You go to a company like Avago, which specializes in providing today’s data center designers and IT specialists with the components necessary to update / upgrade existing infrastructure to a network capable of supporting today’s demands.
According to the company, there are several ways to go about updating a data center, many of which can be reviewed when you download the company’s Portfolio of Data Center Solutions, which you can do by clicking on the button below.,
To learn more, visit