
Wireless ICs bring greater Tx output power, higher receive sensitivity

Wireless ICs bring greater Tx output power, higher receive sensitivity

Chipset integrates antenna diversity algorithms suitable for all ISM-type apps

Designed to complement the existing EZRadio family, the EZRadioPRO line of wireless ICs provides new features that allow customers to meet upper-end performance characteristics while reducing the design and BOM cost that is typically associated with such higher-end customer products. The chipset offers a sensitivity of −117 dBm along with a configurable output power of up to 20 dBm through the use of its embedded high-efficiency power amplifier with low current consumption characteristics for its given transmitting power.

The chipset is designed to make radio design simple with the configuration done through registers over an SPI bus and through the use of onboard features including an antenna switch algorithm and an embedded antenna diversity algorithm to increases customer project robustness by countering the effects of multipath and fading. Typically, the use of antenna diversity can be shown to add between 8 and 10 dB to a link budget.

The product line currently has six devices supporting OOK, FSK, and GFSK modulation techniques at data rates of up to 128 kbits/s over a maximum frequency range of 240 up to 960 MHz in 300-Hz steps. (Call company for pricing and availability.)

Integration Associates , Mountain View , CA
Marketing 650-969-4100


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