The Nano WiReach SMT is a 2.412 to 2.462-GHz Wi-Fi module offering 3G routing, Wi-Fi client, and access-point capabilities. It has a ARM7TDMI CPU running at 48 MHz and is packaged in a 0.8 x 1.45-in. RoHS-compliant slim form factor with an industry-standard pinout.
The module supports the SSL3/TLS1 protocol for secure sockets, HTTPS and FTPS, WEP, WPA and WPA2 Wi-Fi encryption. It takes 250 mA in transmit at 16 dBm and 190 mA in receive; with an 8-mA power-save mode. The card has RMII, USB, SPI and fast UART interfaces for easy integration. It supports 10 simultaneous TCP/UDP sockets, two listening TCP sockets, SMTP, MIME, POP3, FTP, Telnet, and HTTP/HTTPS clients, with AES, SHA, and 3DES encryption acceleration. ($26 ea/high volumes — available now.)
By Jim Harrison
Connect One , San Jose , CA
Sales 408-572-5675
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