
Wireless mote module is postage-stamp sized

No larger than a first-class U.S. postage stamp, the M2110 OEM Edition module provides the circuitry needed to turn a sensor into a wireless mesh-network mote. The module is part of the IRIS, family of wireless sensor network products—which includes preconfigured motes and development kits—that offer up to three times the radio range and half the sleep current of comparable IEEE 802.15.4-compliant devices.

The 24.23 x 24.23 x 7.5-mm module includes a ZigBee-capable IEEE 802.15.4 RF transceiver operating at 2.4 GHz as well as a processor with 512 Kbytes of measurement-data flash memory, 128 Kbytes of program flash memory, and analog (10-bit 8-channel ADC, 0 to 3 V) and digital (digital I/O, I2C, SPI) sensor interfaces. (From $29 ea/1,000—available late 2nd qtr.)

Crossbow , San Jose , CA
Sales 408-965-3300


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