The eGaN FET-based 40 V EPC9111 or 100 V EPC9112 wireless power transfer kits are now available. They contain a source (or amplifier) board, a Class 3 A4WP-compliant source (or transmit) coil, and a Category 3 A4WP compliant device (or receiving) board including coil. The low input and output capacitance, low parasitic inductances, and small size of eGaN FETs, help them increase efficiency in highly resonant, Rezence (A4WP) compliant, wireless power transfer systems.
The system is capable of delivering up to 35 W into a dc-load while operating at 6.78 MHz (the lowest ISM band). The purpose of this demonstration kit is to simplify the evaluation process of using eGaN FETs for highly efficient wireless power transfer. The EPC9111 and EPC9112 use the high frequency switching capability of EPC gallium nitride transistors to facilitate wireless power systems with greater than 75% efficiency. The wireless power transfer demonstration systems are priced at $895.00 each.
Learn more about Efficient Power Conversion (EPC)