The MSO/DPO70000DX series of performance mixed-signal oscilloscopes (MSO) and digital-phosphor oscilloscopes (DSO) from Tektronix consists of six models with four analog channels whose bandwidths are 23, 25, or 33 GHz and 20%-to-80% rise times are 9 ps. Not only do the scopes have enhanced tools for debugging digital and analog circuits, but a new 33-GHz bandwidth probe for use with the scopes is said to be the world's fastest and lowest noise, with industry leading sensitivity. The probe/scope combination brings full-bandwidth measurement capability right down to the leads of the unit under test.
The new series features a wider dynamic range (600 mV/div, or 6V full scale) at maximum voltage setting, five times greater than the previous 70000D scopes. Further, with the option of having sample memory as great as 1 Gsample/channel on two channels, achievable record length is now four times as long. Sample rate is 100 Gsample/s on two channels and processor speed has been improved, which enables faster decode on longer records, and the instruments support a more-than-300,000-wafeform/s acquisition rate.
The MSOs have 16 digital channels that provide 80 ps timing resolution, an industry-best that gives engineers accurate feedback on logic or protocol performance for serial buses like USB, I2 C, and SPI in real-time. Further, the mixed-signal scopes have iCapture for simultaneous digital-analog acquisition; this unique feature lets designers easily and quickly verify the analog characteristics – without changing probes or connections – of any of the signals connected to the digital channels. Having the ability to thus observe a greater amount of a design's electrical behavior at one time shortens debug cycles and system validation time.
With sensitivity to 3.48 mV/div, the 33-GHz P7600 series TriMode probe (lower bandwidth versions are also available) gives engineers a single probe setup for differential, single-ended, and common-mode measurements with a single coax or solder-down connection, for more value from each scope channel. The probes' “remote head” architecture offers the shortest path to the input signal and lowest noise performance in its bandwidth class.
With prices ranging from $178,000 to over $298,000 with expanded sample memory, the oscilloscopes are available for order now, with shipments beginning in September. P7600 probes are available now, with prices for a 33-GHz version starting at $27,000. Moreover, to preserve investments as needs change, the scopes offer customers a variety of upgrade options, including bandwidth upgrades, product conversions, and trade-up programs. For example, digital channels can be added to analog-only DPO70000DX versions via a customer-installable kit.
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