
Worldwide trade for major home appliances on the rise, global digital power supply market shooting up

Recent studies show an increase in major home supplies shipments and rapid growth in the digital power supply market

Home Appliances Infographic

Research conducted by IHS iSuppli Research indicates that the global market for major home appliances is expected to increase by year-end. Worldwide shipments of major home appliances such as air conditioners and dishwashers are set to reach 583 million units at the close of 2013, up 4.5% from 558 million units in 2012. Shipments are expected to continuing growing until at least the end of the forecast period in 2017.

Digital Power Supply Forecast

Other research conducted by the firm shows the growth of the global digital power supply market. The forecast predicts the market to reach $12.4 billion by 2017, up $8.7 billion from 2013.


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