XOs offer frequency margining and low jitter
The DS4M-XO series of crystal oscillators, consisting of the 125-MHz DS4M125, the 133-MHz DS4M133, and the 200-MHz DS4M200, provide frequency margining at levels of ±5% in a 5.0 x 3.2-mm package. These crystal oscillators are highly competitive against both SAW-based and third-overtone crystal oscillator designs.
The devices provide less than ±7 ppm of long-term aging characteristics, less than ±50-ppm stability over temperature, and less than 1-ps rms phase-jitter performance. Housed in a 10-pin LCCC package, the XOs operate over the −40° to 85°C extended temperature range. (From $7.39 ea/1,000 — available now.)
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