
Yahoo exposes FBI’s secret requests for user data

Company is the first to publicly acknowledge receiving National Security Letters.

Yahoo published three secret requests for user information from the FBI, marking the first time the bureau allowed a company to publicly exploit that it received National Security Letters (NSLs). Thanks to the USA Freedom Act, the company was able to disclose the contents of the data requests made since 2013.


NSLs are special subpoenas issued by the FBI that require companies to hand over a variety of information about a user’s accounts. The information includes metadata (all the records of who a user emailed and talked with), any addresses, telephone numbers, and screen names associated with the user’s account. Additionally, the subpoenas are not reviewed by a judge outside of the FBI.

The USA Freedom Act, passed in June 2015, increased the oversight in the government’s surveillance programs and decreased some of the broad governmental powers set in place by the Patriot Act.

Companies are prohibited from disclosing information regarding National Security Letters, including users targeted by the FBI. After the approval of the USA Freedom Act, however, the FBI is now required to review certain restrictions periodically, which it did with Yahoo, to determine if they’re crucial to national security.

“We believe this is an important step toward enriching a more open and transparent discussion about the legal authorities law enforcement can leverage to access user data,” wrote Yahoo Associate General Counsel Chris Madsen.

Yahoo notified the users whose names were in the three letters privately.

Source: CNet


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